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1 Translation result for to tighten in Spanish


tighten verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
tightened, has tightened, is tightening, tightens
tensar (una cuerda, etc.), apretar (un nudo, un tornillo, etc.), apretarse (el cinturón), reforzar (las reglas)

Example sentences of
tighten verb

  • She tightened her hold on the handle.
  • tighten the straps on the backpack so that the load doesn't shift while hiking

Reverse translation for to tighten

tensar  (una cuerda, etc.) - to tense, to make taut, to draw (a bow) 
apretar  (un nudo, un tornillo, etc.) - to press, to push, to press, to push (a button), to tighten, to fit tightly, to be too tight, to squeeze 
apretarse  (el cinturón)
reforzar  (las reglas) - to reinforce, to strengthen, (figurative) to beef up, to encourage, to support 
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